We don't yet carry every color. If you would like a color that we don't carry, please Contact Us, and we will be happy to order it for you.
Available in over 240 color combinations
The luster and quality of EdMar rayon threads are unmatched for all types of hand needlework. These threads are colorfast and can even be machine washed.
Pronounced boo-Clay, this uniquely knotted thread is made with a 2 ply base with two other plies looping in and out making it a 4 ply thread. It comes 10.5 yards (10 meters) per skein. This highly textured thread is ideal for making stitches with dimensional effects. Although it may appear to be a difficult and unruly thread to work with, it is actually quite tame and easy to use. Rayon is the key to its ease of use and satin finish. Available in all colors.