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Gingerbread Flower Shop Accessory Packs

Option: White and Black Pack

Price:  $ 23.10 
0 in Cart

Option: Main Pack

Price:  $ 70.66 
0 in Cart
Please note: These are only the Accessory Packs for the Gingerbread Bakery, and you will need both of these packs. They contain all the silk threads, beads, and buttons you will need to complete this project as Thea Deuck designed it. You will also need the fabric to stitch it on.
These are the Accessory Packs for the Gingerbread Flower Shop. The leaflet is available separately.

Sorting The Threads in your Accessory Pack:

Remember to sort in daylight near a window, not under artificial light indoors, as the colours change with the colour of the lightbulbs we use. Each floss has a different number of strands in each thread length. This helps you differentiate the different colours in your pack. Needlepoint Inc. silk floss has 8 strands per length The Kreinik Mori has 6 strands per length The Gloriana Overdyed Silk has 12 thin strands per length. Dinky Dyes has 6 strands per length. FYI: We noticed that some colours have been divided into two lengths. This can happen if a colour requires 1.5 yards. Our kitmaker might include one 1 yard length and one 0.5 yard length, so don't get confused if one colour has more than one length of thread. We hope this extra information will help you sort your threads more easily!

The White Pack only contains White Kreinik Mori silk floss. The Main Pack contains all the colored threads, buttons, and beads.

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    • Charmed Needles LLC
    • 541-889-6215
    • 222 South Oregon St.
      Ontario, Oregon 97914
  • 11 am-5 pm Tues-Sat
  • Other Days and Times by Appointment

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