Gingerbread Needlework Shop Pattern
Part 7 of the Gingerbread Village! It is stitched on Gingerbread colored linen and is dripping with white icing, and elegant roof details. I loved designing this building because I have fond memories of working in a needlework shop when I first started in the business. What fun it was to help my fellow stitchers find threads and patterns they liked! The best part was the classroom, and in this design you can see the classroom depicted right at the front of the shop. Richly decorated with Christmas buttons, this Gingerbread building is also a box! The roof is actually the lid to the box so you can take it off and find a large container for your needlework tools and scissors. Stitched with yummy overdyed silk flosses, Perle Cottons, sparkling beads delicious looking ‘candy’ buttons! Excellent finishing instructions and photos are included at the end of this leaflet. This year, place all six Christmas buildings on your mantle for the Holidays! You can also place them on your dining room table, or hall table to give you some extra Christmas cheer as you stitch your last minute ornaments. Look for more Gingerbread Village additions in future years! Wishing all of you a very happy Christmas, with enough stitching to last you till New Year! -Thea
Store Front and Back
Store Sides 1 & 2
Store Roof Lip Front and Back
Store Roof Lip Side 1 & 2
Roof Top Front and Back
Roof Top Side 1 & 2
Materials Recommended
Additional Materials Needed: