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Mill Hill Seed Beads, Antique Colors

Color: Rich Red - 03049

Price:  $ 1.87 
0 in Cart

Color: Desert Peach - 03052

Price:  $ 1.87 
0 in Cart

Color: Cherry Sorbet - 03057

Price:  $ 1.87 
0 in Cart
This product is still under construction. Please contact us if you want a color which isn't listed yet.
Seed beads are uniformly shaped, spheroidal beads ranging in size from under a millimeter to several millimeters. Seed bead is also a generic term for any small bead. Usually rounded in shape, seed beads are most commonly used for loom and off-loom bead weaving. They may be used for simple stringing, or as spacers between other beads in jewelry. Mill Hill Seed Beads are a size 11/0, which has a diameter of 2.5mm. Some colors of these beads are washable, others are only colored with a finish so are not washable.

There is no difference is size or shape between Mill Hill Antique Seed Beads and regular Mill Hill Seed Beads, nor are these beads old. They are named Antique because the colors are considered to be "antique colors."

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    • Charmed Needles LLC
    • 541-889-6215
    • 222 South Oregon St.
      Ontario, Oregon 97914
  • 11 am-5 pm Tues-Sat
  • Other Days and Times by Appointment

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