2023 Saturday Sampler Kits
The 2023 Saturday Sampler season is fast approaching.
We will start in January 2023, so sign up now!
Saturday Sampler works like this: you will pay an $ 8 registration fee, and then you will pay another $ 8 for your first block kit. As long as you come to the next session with your completed block, you will get your next block kit free. If you either don't come to your session or if you don't complete your block, you will pay $ 8 for your next block kit.
In 2023, the blocks will be made primarily from the Among the Branches collection from Wilmington Prints. Because the Among the Branches collection mostly reads as medium and light tones, I may occasionally draw in other coordinating fabrics, if I need a significantly lighter or darker fabric for a block. This collection has a 27" panel available and a border stripe, neither of which I will use in the blocks, but which will be a great way to expand your quilt to be larger than twelve 12" blocks would be. I will also be creating an optional Oops Bundle of Fat Quarters of all the fabrics in the collection (because none of us is perfect) that you can purchase separately. I also have packages of 10" squares and 2-1/2" strips of these fabrics available. I have a deck of quilt block cards and each month, I will draw one card and that will be the 12" block we make that month. I won't be providing setting instructions as part of the program, but I can help you figure out how you want to set them.
- The in-person session will be at 10 am on the third Saturday of each month.
- I will hold a Zoom session at 5 pm on the thirds Saturday of the month for people who are at high risk and don't feel comfortable meeting in person, or who live too far away to come to the in-person session.
- You are welcome to attend either session.